Friday, September 26, 2008

eid mubarak


sama bersalam-salaman
sama bermaaf-maafan
yang jauh dikenang
yang dekat berkunjungan
hari raya penuh kesyukuran.

syawal yang datang
mengganti ramadan yang pergi
bulan rahmat silih berganti
hari raya menjelang tiba
selamat meraikannya.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

lailatulqadar - a quest for jannah

we are now in the last leg of ramadan.
the 10 nights that hold more rewards than the rest of our ibadah put together for a thousand years.
this is a quest for a place in the heavens.
a place fit for the prophets, the syuhada' and the most pious among all mankind.
may we be one of those who are fortunate enough to be chosen amongst them, insyaAllah.

this is the time where heavens go on SALE!
there are plenty of vacancies and choices for everybody and anybody;
regardless of age, race, wealth, gender and looks.
our chance to own a 5star accommodation without having to show a platinum visa or mastercard.

lets book a place in the hereafter and shop wisely.
all deeds whether good or bad will be judged accordingly in the day of judgement.
now is the time to rope in the BONUS!
find the night of lailatulqadar and empty your soul to Allah.
each night is special. therefore noone knows when it falls. so it is best to keep vigil and do plenty of solah and ibadah every night until the dawn of syawal enters the horizon.

Ya Allah, temukan aku dengan lailatulqadar pada ramadan tahun ini.
Panjangkanlah umurku untuk bertemu dengan lailatulqadar tahun hadapan.
Jika ditakdirkan aku mati sebelumnya, matikanlah aku dalam iman dan islam.
Sesungguhnya Engkau lah yang maha mengetahui.

daun selasih daun kayu
terima kasih thank you.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ramadhan Al Mubarak

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan AL Mubarak kepada semua umat Islam.

Semoga kita dipanjangkan umur sehingga berjumpa Ramadhan akan datang, dimurahkan rezeki untuk bersedekah di bulan yang mulia ini, disihatkan tubuh badan untuk mengerjakan ibadah sepanjang bulan puasa yang dilipatgandakan pahalanya untuk kita;

dan diampunkan semua dosa-dosa kita selama ini samada yang sengaja atau tidak sengaja, yang kecil dan yang besar, yang lalu dan yang akan datang.

Ya Allah,

Masukkanlah kami semua ke dalam syurga bersama orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh. Masukkan lah kami dikalangan hamba-hamba Mu yang beroleh syafaat dan diberi ganjaran syurga Firdaus Mu ya Allah. Jauhkan lah kami dari api neraka dan selamatkanlah kami dari gangguan iblis dan syaitan serta segala makhluk yang berniat jahat terhadap kami ya Allah.

Eratkanlah silaturrahim diantara kami, ukhuwah sesama Islam dan perbaikilah akhlak kami dalam pergaulan sesama insan. Sejahterakanlah hidup kami, keluarga kami, negara kami dan semua umat Islam di dunia ini ya Allah.

Perkenankanlah permintaan kami ini ya Allah. Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.

Thursday, August 28, 2008



Ucapan selamat ulangtahun ke 51 kemerdekaan negara kita Malaysia pada tanggal 31 Ogos 2008 ini.

semoga negara kita dikurniakan Allah dengan kemakmuran, kedamaian, dan kesejahteraan yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua rakyat. Amin.

The Independence Day has long marked the sovereignty of our country.
This year we are going to celebrate her 51st anniversary of independence.
May Allah bless us all.

Masa untuk kemajuan.. masa untuk perubahan..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarak

seluruh umat Islam akan menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan, bulan yang mulia dah penuh rahmat tidak lama lagi.

saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat berpuasa dan selamat mengerjakan ibadah puasa kepada semua.

Allah masih sayang kepada kita, ditemukan kita semula dengan bulan yang barakah ini bagi mengumpul sebanyak-banyaknya pahala yang kita mampu.

Semoga Allah mengampuni dan merahmati kita semua.

Amin ya rabbal Alamin.

Monday, August 18, 2008

nisfu syaaban

lest we forget the meaning of this significant day in the islamic calendar.
15 of syaaban, otherwise known as nisfu syaaban by the believers.

Allah has promised that every living things will receive their fair trials in the day of judgement.
when everything is left to the book of deeds and the wisdom of the Almighty Allah.

this book is changed every year and it is good that we observe our deeds so that only good things are written by the malaikat who keeps vigil by our side.

as such, being human, we are not far from committing mistakes and forgetting the amanah given to us by Allah, which is to obey and worship HIM at all cost.

thus, these mistakes are duly recorded and without repentance and regrets they will stay in it till the day of judgement. nauzubillahiminzalik.
the significance of nisfu syaaban is that, this is the day that this book is raised to the heavens to be kept with all the other books of the years that we have lived on this earth. Alhamdulillah, many muslims prepared themselves during the final pages of this book.
the coming of nisfu syaaban, symbolises new beginnings, new vision, and aims.
it is also time to wipe out unnecessary distractions that have kept us from our ibadah in the past.
it is time to renew our vows in worshipping Allah and time to strengthen our faith.
InsyaAllah, may we all be blessed and live in harmony in Islam.
although there are times when you get hurt by the one you loved, when you feel low, when you are left with unanswered questions, there is always Allah by your side. do not despair when you have no control over the affection of others. do not let hatred live in your heart when people hate you. let it be.
this is only to remind myself that no love is greater than the love for Allah. people can love you and leave you and hurt you. obviously, the wheels of life will turn and their time will come. soon if not later.
may Allah gives us strength. Amin.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


mannekin pis!

he is a legend in brussels. if u go to belgium, then you will most probably go to see this little guy. world famous for his pissing antics. haha!
good find out more about him.

can't believe he is that small in real life. i forgot about him after the first time i saw him.. ahakzz. and i have seen him twice!! hehe. after 12 years he still looks the same..
and he will keep on pissing till they close the tap! hehe.